If you or your child wish to stop lessons, please let us know by the following dates for tuition to finish at the end of that term:
These dates apply even if your child is changing schools as arrangements are made for lessons to continue from one academic year to the next.
We cannot accept verbal notification or notification via a teacher or school. Notification of withdrawal must be done through the SpeedAdmin parent portal or emailed to the office.
If we don’t receive notification of withdrawal by the above dates, a cancellation fee equivalent to half a term’s fee will be payable. This does not entitle you to any lessons as it is a late-notice charge.
If lessons have started in a term and at least one lesson has been attended, you will need to pay the full term’s fees.
Tuition is offered during examination periods and study leave.
When you withdraw from tuition you must return any hired instruments to the teacher or one of our offices.
We will charge 20% of the first invoice if your child does not take up tuition once offered, to cover administration costs.