1. Weekly Instrumental Lessons
We have a three-term academic year: Autumn, Spring and Summer.
We will offer a minimum of 30 lessons to your child during the 38-week school year and you will receive an invoice at the beginning of each term, usually in September, January and April. Depending on the length of each term the exact number of lessons offered may vary but, in total, at least 30 lessons will be offered in an academic year.
The termly fee covers the cost of group tuition for a minimum of 3 children learning together in a 30-minute lesson. At our discretion, if there are only 2 children learning in a class, a paired 20-minute lesson may be offered for the same fee. If the number of children learning in a group reduces to 2 during the course of a term, we reserve the right to reduce the lesson duration to 20 minutes without notice. If it is not possible to offer your child group tuition, a temporary individual 15-minute lessons may be offered until it is possible for your child to be grouped with others.
Individual lessons may also be available subject to availability for which different charges apply. To transfer from group tuition to individual tuition please email admin@createmusic.org.uk to confirm your request.
Lessons will continue to be provided from one term to the next and you will receive an invoice each term until you tell us that lessons are no longer required (please see ending your contract below). This applies even if your child is changing school e.g. from Primary to Secondary school, as arrangements are made to support transition.
We reserve the right to offer online tuition as an alternative, should we be unable to offer face-to-face lessons due to circumstances beyond our control (such as school closure).
See our page for lesson costs.
We will invoice you at the beginning of each term and payment is due within two weeks of receiving your invoice. If payment is not received, following a reminder and with a revised deadline, regrettably we will have to stop your child’s tuition and any other children receiving tuition on your account.
If you’re having difficulty paying, please contact us to discuss how we might be able to help.
There are 38 weeks in the school year within which we offer a minimum of 30 lessons.
Where reasonable notice is given, we will do our best to re-schedule lessons missed due to exams, school trips, or unexpected school closures. However, if this is not possible, we are unable to refund or credit missed lessons.
If your child is unable to attend five or more consecutive lessons due to illness, please provide a medical certificate confirming the reason for non-attendance, and we will credit your account for the cost of the missed lessons.
We give credits:
- if you have not been offered 30 lessons in the school year (eg teacher illness).
- due to 5 consecutive lessons being missed due to medical reasons provided a medical certificate is produced.
We don’t give credits:
- for situations outside our control, such as when the venue is closed for safety reasons (severe weather etc.)
- when a student misses a lesson, for example school trips, school exams, illness or they forgot
In exceptional circumstances and subject to teacher availability, at our discretion it may be possible to change to a different instrument during a term. If this is not possible the remaining lessons of term must be completed, and our usual terms and conditions will apply.
Some families on low incomes may be eligible for a discount on fees through our Young Musicians Bursary Scheme. The levels of support and application process differ between the geographical areas of the region due to arrangements made with Brighton & Hove City Council and East Sussex County Council respectively.
Financial support is only available to qualifying students in full time education and limited funds are available each year. The student will need to be in reception-year to year-13 and in full time education at a state school. Pupils at independent schools, Sixth Form Colleges or schools outside East Sussex are not eligible for the scheme.
We review eligibility for the scheme annually and you must inform us immediately if your entitlement to benefit changes.
Financial support is only available for one set of instrumental lessons, music centre and hire charges per child. If your child takes up a second instrument, you will need to pay full fees on the lessons and hire.
If you or your child wishes to stop lessons, please let us know by emailing admin@createmusic.org.uk by the date below:
- 1st December to stop at the end of the autumn term (late December)
- 1st March to stop at the end of the spring term (late March/early April)
- 1st July to stop at the end of the summer term (late July)
We cannot accept verbal notification or notification via a teacher or school. These dates apply even if your child is changing schools as arrangements are made for lessons to continue from one academic year to the next. We also offer tuition during examination periods and study leave.
You will be charged a late withdrawal fee equivalent to half a term's fee if notice to withdraw is not received by the above dates. This does not entitle you to any lessons, as it is a late-notice charge.
If lessons have already begun in a term and at least one lesson has been attended, the full term's fee is payable.
When you withdraw from tuition you must return any hired instruments to the teacher or one of our offices.
We will charge 20% of the first invoice if your child does not take up tuition once offered, to cover administration costs.
2. Weekly area music centre and ensemble activities
Terms and conditions are as for weekly instrumental lessons (see section 1 above) plus the following:
The Music Centre membership charge is an all-inclusive charge for multiple classes. We don’t give credits if a class is unattended or cancelled for reasons beyond our control.
Conduct and Attendance
The teaching staff and the area manager will ask a pupil to leave if:
- they feel a pupil is often disruptive, or
- their attendance is poor.
Auditioned Ensembles
Auditions are usually held during the summer term for membership to start at the beginning of the following academic year. However, subject to places being available, auditions can be arranged at other points during the year. Please contact us for further information about auditions.
3. Workshops, short courses, and events
The above terms and conditions for instrumental tuition and music centre outlined in sections 1 and 2 apply and we can refuse applications if you owe money for other services.
Young musicians will get the most of their workshop/short course/summer school experience if they attend every day of the course. However, we do understand that sometimes a young person may need to miss part or all of one of the days.
If you cannot attend on every day of the course, please notify us in advance by email. Please note that the full course fees will still be due.
We recommend that you check in advance if any of the course dates clash with other activities such as sports days or other school events.
Absence from school
If the activity takes place during school hours, you must get permission for your child to be absent from school.
We want everyone to enjoy the course and be safe. The Course Director can ask a disruptive student to leave. We would ask parents to collect the child immediately. There is no refund and the decision is final.
Invoices for each course must be paid in advance before the course starts.
If any days are attended of a multi-day course, the full fee is payable.
If you need make a cancellation as your child can no longer attend, you will receive a 50% reduction on your invoice if you give at least 14 days notice from the first day of the course. This applies to both course and coach fees.
4. Online Lessons
Create Music has developed an online tuition offer to enable continuity of lessons when it may not be possible to teach as usual in schools and at music centres. Whether teaching face to face, or online, the safeguarding of all pupils remains our priority alongside the delivery of high quality and enjoyable instrumental and vocal lessons.
Create Music is aware of the vital role they have in supporting the safeguarding of all pupils they teach. All teachers are DBS checked and receive annual safeguarding training in line with the Department for Education’s publication “Keeping Children Safe in Education” (September 2020).
Due to the differences between the learning environment of face-to-face lessons and online lessons, we wish to provide guidance and clarify arrangements that will support the successful delivery of high-quality tuition whilst ensuring the highest standards of safeguarding for all pupils.
Arrangements for Online Lessons
Create Music uses Zoom to provide online tuition to pupils. Zoom is an encrypted system with the appropriate functionality for both 1:1 and group lessons. All teachers will be using their brightondome.org emails which will enable activity to be monitored.
Zoom works across a range of devices including smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers. We recommend using a device with a webcam, (usually inbuilt) and a microphone (again usually inbuilt).
Create Music will be providing support for using Zoom in the form of online support (webinars), tutorial videos and FAQs/PDF guides. These will be available via our websites and social media channels.
Lesson Scheduling
- Lessons will only be set up using the Teacher’s brightondome.org email address. On no account will a Teacher’s personal email address be used to arrange lessons.
- The meeting ID which enables access to the lesson/activity must not be shared on any social media platforms or with anyone other than for whom it is intended.
- Parents/Carers or older siblings (aged 14+) of pupils in KS1, KS2 and KS3 will be expected to login to the lesson and be present at the beginning to ensure everything is set up correctly.
- Pupils who are in Yrs 10 and above may be sent the lesson log in details by parents/carers at their discretion.
- Pupils currently receiving group lessons may be offered a shorter individual lesson if the usual group lesson cannot be provided.
- Lessons are expected to start and finish at the times confirmed in the invitation.
- Any scheduled lesson not 'attended' by the pupil will be deemed as chargeable.
- Some longer Virtual Music Centre activities will include a break-time. During this break the activity will remain open so children and young people can chat with each other. Music leaders will remain present/logged in to sessions during these breaks. Music leaders will also remain online at the end of the activity until all children and young people have logged out.
Expectations of Teachers
Create Music Teachers will follow the same professional guidelines when teaching online lessons as are expected in school/ at Music Centre. These include:
- Informing Create Music of their teaching schedule. Line managers may observe lessons for quality assurance purposes, in the same way as in schools.
- Having an appropriate level of training, knowledge and understanding to be able to provide online tuition to individuals and groups.
- Providing tuition only when fit and well to do so.
- Wearing their BDBF ID badge when providing online tuition.
- Dressing in an appropriate way as expected when teaching in schools.
- Creating an environment that responds to pupils’ needs and supports learning.
- Teaching in an appropriate space with a neutral background, ideally free from personal possessions or photographs. A living room, dining room or music room is ideal but private or personal spaces such as a bedroom are not suitable.
- Ensuring that the lesson is not interrupted by other family members or excessive noise that may disturb the lesson.
- Maintaining appropriate professional boundaries, as in a lesson that takes place during school.
- “Locking” the room once all attendees are present to prevent anyone else from joining the lesson/ activity.
- Not using the record facility to record any part of the lesson - unless this is in order to contribute to the creation of a digital performance and permission from parents/carers and young people has been sought in advance. Any recordings made will be stored on the organisations secure cloud and not on personal devices owned by Music Leaders.
- Terminating a lesson if there is any inappropriate behaviour or activity that causes safeguarding concerns. Where there are concerns about safeguarding, Create Music teachers will inform their Designated Safeguarding Lead in the usual way.
- Enabling pupils to wait in the “waiting room” before their lesson so that only those invited to the lessons can attend.
Expectations of Pupils and Parents/Carers
To help learners achieve as much as possible from their lessons/ VMC activities, we recommend that pupils follow a similar approach to attending lessons in schools or music centres. These include:
- Dressing appropriately e.g. how they may present themselves at school on a non-uniform day. Teachers reserve the right to terminate lessons if pupils are dressed inappropriately (e.g.in pyjamas).
- Finding a suitable space for the lesson which should ideally reflect a school environment and is conducive to learning (a pupil’s bedroom is not considered to be suitable unless suitable screening of the bed is in place). The space should ideally be free from interruption, excessive background noise and anything particularly personal such as family photos.
- Parents/Carers or older siblings (aged 14+) of KS1, KS2 and KS3 pupils attending the beginning of each lesson to ensure that the pupil is suitably prepared and the equipment is set up correctly. Once the lesson has started parents/carers or siblings (aged 14+) may choose to be present throughout the lesson or be available to support the delivery of the lesson if needed.
- Parents/Carers of older pupils (KS4 and above) being available should they be needed to help with any technical issues.
- Parents/Carers or older siblings (aged 14+) of KS1, KS2 and KS3 pupils logging out of the lesson once it is has ended.
- Pupils following their schools’ guidance regarding online safety when accessing other web-based platforms or websites that may support instrumental learning.
Should you have any questions regarding safeguarding, or to report a concern or incident please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead or Designated Safeguarding Officers.
Mike Johnson (DSL) mike.johnson@brightondome.org
Emma Collins (Deputy DSL) emma.collins@brightondome.org
Gordon Dodridge (DSO) gordon.dodridge@brightondome.org
5. Lessons for Adults
- Lessons are offered online, for individual learners & last for 30 minutes.
- Lessons are purchased in blocks of 10 for a fee of £240. The fee also includes an optional 15-minute consultation with the teacher before lessons begin.
- Before lessons start, you will receive an invoice and a link to sign up to our payment site.
- Once payment has been received, you will be paired with an appropriate instrumental specialist and offered a free consultation and opportunity to arrange lesson dates.
- Lesson dates cannot be booked until payment has been made in full.
- To maximise progress, lessons are designed to be delivered on a weekly basis but specific dates will be agreed between the teacher and learner.
- Lesson dates/times for the 10-lesson block will be booked in advance, ideally taking place at the same time each week.
- Blocks of 10 lessons must be delivered within a 4-month period, from the date of the first lesson and will usually be scheduled during term time.
- Lessons will be delivered online, via Zoom. We recommend that all learners read our Code of Conduct for Professionals and Learners.
At the end of the initial 10-lesson block, learners can stop tuition and no further fees will be due. However, we hope that your musical journey will continue beyond the initial 10 lessons. Towards the end of your 10-lesson block we will contact you to ask if you would like to continue learning on an ongoing basis.
Ongoing Tuition (continuing beyond initial 10-week block of lessons)
If you decide to continue your lessons, lessons will continue to be provided from one term to the next and you will receive an invoice each term until you tell us that lessons are no longer required.
We will offer 30 online lessons during the 38-week school year and you will receive an invoice at the beginning of each term, usually in September, January and April.
Fees are payable in advance before your first 10-week block of lessons, your lesson link will not be sent until payment has been made.
Invoices for ongoing tuition will be sent to you at the beginning of each term and payment is due within two weeks of receiving your invoice. If payment is not received, following a reminder and with a revised deadline, regrettably we will have to stop your tuition. If you’re having difficulty paying, please contact us to discuss how we might be able to help.
Please note that Create Music cannot be responsible for technical problems on the learner's side that may affect delivery of the lesson. A refund or credit will not be offered for lessons missed due to these circumstances.
Where reasonable notice (of a minimum of 48 hours before the scheduled lesson time) is given, we will do our best to re-schedule lessons. If 48 hours’ notice is not received or if it is not possible to reschedule within the stated 4-month period, we are unable to refund or credit missed lessons.
Ending your contract – please see 1.F) above
Code of Conduct
Professional Expectations for Teachers
- All teachers will use their brightondome.org emails addresses or another secure password protected platform to arrange online lessons using Zoom.
- Teachers will wear their BDBF ID badge when providing online lessons.
- Teachers should create an environment that responds to the individual learner’s needs and supports learning whilst being aware of their wider well-being.
- Teaching will take place in an appropriate space.
- Teachers will create a secure space for learners to wait before the lesson begins and ensure that once a lesson has started no additional attendees can gain access.
- Teachers will not use any internal or external recording facility to record any part of the lesson without prior agreement from the learner.
- Teachers reserve the right to terminate a lesson if there is inappropriate conduct or activity that causes concern.
Support for Learners
- To get the most from your lessons, they should ideally take place in an appropriate environment that is free from interruption.
- We would ask that learners do not use any internal or external recording facility to record any part of the lesson without prior agreement from the teacher.
- The safety and well-being of all our staff and learners is a priority. Aggressive or offensive language/behaviour towards staff will not be tolerated and may lead to the lesson being terminated. Refunds will not be offered for lessons that have to be terminated for this reason.
6. Instrument Hire
The hire fee will be invoiced termly in advance. The Hire Fee and Replacement Value may vary over time. Notice will be given in the event of any change.
The Hirer agrees to take all reasonable care to safeguard the musical instrument.
The Hirer is responsible for any loss or damage to the instrument and for replacing items that need replacing due to wear and tear, i.e. strings, valve oil, reeds etc. The Hirer must ensure that the instrument is adequately insured against loss or damage, however incurred. If the instrument is lost or stolen, the Hirer will pay the owner the full replacement cost within 28 days. Any loss or damage must be notified to the owner immediately.
Create Music must be informed of and approve any necessary repairs before any work is undertaken. Only Create Music approved repairers may be used. Unapproved repairs, which result in poor quality or inappropriate repair may result in the full replacement value being due.
The Hirer may terminate this agreement by returning the instrument by the published dates to withdraw from lessons at the end of each term (1 December, 1 March and 1 July) and paying any monies due for hire or repairs.
If the Hirer defaults in any payment due or fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions, the Owner may terminate this agreement by giving written notice to the Hirer, and in that event the instrument must be returned to Create Music within 14 days.
The Owner may require to exchange the hired instrument for a comparable one at any time or in the case of a stringed instrument to upgrade the size. This does not affect the general Terms and Conditions of this Agreement.
The Hirer must arrange for the instrument to be returned to Create Music on termination of the Hire Agreement. The Hirer is responsible for the instrument until such time as it is returned to a member of Create Music teaching staff or at the above address.
Other than default on payment by the Hirer or failure to comply with these Terms & Conditions, the owner may terminate this Agreement at any time giving one term’s notice in advance.
7. Summer School
Young musicians will get the most of their Summer School experience if they attend every day of the course. However, we do understand that sometimes a young person may need to miss part or all of one of the days.
If you cannot attend on every day of the course, please notify us in advance by email. Please note that the full course fees will still be due.
We recommend that you check in advance if any of the course dates clash with other activities such as sports days or other school events.
Invoices for each course must be paid in advance before the course starts.
If any days are attended of a two/three day course, the full fee is payable.
If you need make a cancellation as your child can no longer attend, you will receive a 50% reduction on your invoice if you give at least 14 days notice from the first day of the course.
8. Tours
By registering your child for a tour, you are agreeing to the following:
- Paying all tour instalments by the instalment due date.
- In the case of withdrawal from the tour, the deposit is non-refundable.
- Withdrawal from tour does not guarantee a refund of further instalments paid. Payment reclaim enquiries must be directed to the insurance company chosen for the tour, though Create Music will provide the relevant information needed to do this.
- Create Music are not liable for any changes to the itinerary