Guide to Buying Adaptive Musical Instruments

Take It Away

This guide includes details of more than 80 musical instruments and products, from prototypes and bespoke to commercially available and common accessories. Many have been specifically designed to make learning and playing musical instruments of all kinds as accessible as possible for disabled players of all ages. 

The aim of the guide is to provide a central resource that can be referred to as guidance and ideas for all – individuals, parents, teachers, schools and retailers.

Drake Music 

A UK charity pioneering the use of assistive music technology to create opportunities and instruments that make music fully accessible.


Pioneering the development and adaptation of musical instruments for people who are physically disabled.

Any deficiency or impairment in one hand or arm makes traditional instruments unplayable to any reasonable standard. As a result, millions across the world are excluded from music-making for the lack of suitable instruments. 

OHMI’s objective is to remove the barriers to music-making so as to enable full and undifferentiated participation in musical life.